Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Google Map of Home flipping

Google Map of MPs who flipped their homesUsing Google's Maps & Spreadsheet's API - and the Google Doc spreadsheet created by The Guardian - we can see which MPs switched the 2nd home for which they claim expenses.

The markers show the MP's constituency - so those near London are the most interesting ones...
The tabs also show where the 2nd home allowance changes from / to:

To view the map click here

1 comment:

  1. lets keep them under a watchful eye - no elevation to the house of lords for any flippers who resigned ( a lot of Labour)and on those who managed to get re- elected ( a lot of Tories) no promotion to cabinet - anyone spot any of these smug self righteous thieves and carpet baggers getting away with it alert us, start a campaign to stop them and tell the wider media and blogsphere

